WooHoo!! We are celebrating 100 Episodes of my LIVE Syndicated International Radio Show - THE NAKED TALK w/ Alex Okoroji .
This is a celebration of over 180 Hours of Great conversation with 108 Influential Guests who have graced the show from different parts of the world - w/ over 4.2 Million Listens & Counting!

On The 100th LIVE SHOW celebration... It's all about "Building Relationship Capital For Business Growth... " with Guest - Sameer Somal at 9pm GMT | 10pm WAT | 4pm EST....
TNT 100: Success in life is a function of our interpersonal relationships - But how do we make relationship investments to create a network of trusted friends and colleagues, who will provide information, introductions, and partnerships, that will expand our personal and professional opportunities.
Today's Guest serves as Co-Founder and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at Blue Ocean Global Wealth and Blue Ocean Global Technology. He was a Senior Investment Analyst at The Bank of Nova Scotia.
Join The Queen of Expression - Alex Okoroji LIVE on, Soul Saturday 100th, 18 November 2017 @ 9pm GMT | 10pm WAT | 11pm CAT | 1pm PST | 3pm CT | 4pm EST | as she chats in an unfiltered conversation with Global Speaker & Co-Founder - SAMEER SOMAL, joining live from New-York.
Here is The Show Link...
Feel free to Join the Conversation. Call In LIVE via +1 (323) 642-1693, tweet using #TheNakedTalk or send questions to Hello@TheNakedTalk.Live.
The 100th Show Is Sponsored by Global Royale, The Jamison Group, GMO legal, Zincha Naturals... And powered by THE NAKED PHILOSOPHY.
I love You For Listening!