(R) in the word - B.R.A.G stands for Radically.🥁 (B)oldly (R)adically (A)chieving (G)oals.
I've been doing a lot of RADICAL shifts lately in my life and business.
Making Radical decisions and disrupting my inner core and my outer layers for the better.
♦️In a few weeks - I'll be launching 3 Sub-Brands for my Creative Agency. The BRAG Media Company will officially birth The BRAG Radio Network, ▪︎The BRAG Shop▪︎ and ▪︎The BRAG Club▪︎ for Influencers). ♦️ But I had to prepare myself for this journey.
⭐4 Months ago - I cut off some of my hair. (Told my domestic assistant to chop the damn thing off - a huge chunk). Lol. I'll tell you that story some other day, but what is growing back is verrrrry beautiful.
⭐2 Months ago - I dumped our old visual identity. Disrupted my company's logo and turned things upside down, because I didn't want a logo. I wanted a trademark, a real global BRAND that can scale.
I didn't want more of the same. I wanted to STAND OUT, and I wanted that synergy across all sub-brands and touch-points.🤔 And to be honest - I was a little scared.
Will people get this, will they understand why our logo suddenly has BRAG spelled in small letters - the subtlety.
Would they see what I'm trying to communicate and achieve?
⭐Two weeks ago I stripped down my email list. Purged 9,235 people off my newsletter list. I believe in building a list. I did that for 4 years when my radio show was hot.🔥🔥🔥 But - No point having 14,000+ Email Subscribers who took freebies and have moved on. I have a new ebook coming titled - REVEAL and I only want to gift IT to those who deserve it.
✔What did I do? I kept the VIP's, 5 Stars, 4 Stars and 3 stars and then💇♀️💇♂️ Unsubscribed the 2 Stars and below who don't open, read or interact with my content. Painful but necessary - They had to go. No need lying to myself.😁🤣
✔Did the same with Instagram. Blocked and Removed 12,000+ followers (many I had gained as a full-time actor, who to be honest are more interested in movies or what's happening on the red carpet - than actual transformation)). Yes, you can remove your followers. No point keeping ghosts who are not really fully invested or interested in what you offer.
Truth is, I had to get past my EGO as a celebrity to do this. I had to get past the identity of a Public Figure and take a deep look beyond the VANITY METRICS and make that tough decision as a business leader on a real mission.👏
No need for Fakery. I'm READY to start all over and recreate.
See - I'll rather be speaking to 5 people who HEAR me than 25,000 people who don't.
⭐2 Days ago - I told a client of mine that my ▪︎2020 calendar is ready▪︎ For my offers - I'm only branding ☆1 Client per Quarter☆ on a retainer, ☆Publishing 2 Books per Quarter☆ and ☆Coaching two VIP's per Quarter☆ for my (Premium VIP Program "Reivention 1-on-1" coming up). In other words, 5 Clients per Quarter...Total of 20 Clients a Year - And that's IT. Everyone else goes on a 2021 waiting list. I want my sanity. And I have earned it.
No more overloading myself. (Yes, I might sound picky). But I'm going somewhere into the next phase... and I need to create SPACE for the "Next-Level" of my Greatness because I will be busy - a new TANGIBLE BUSY on my own terms.
Sometimes, you need to take RADICAL DECISIONS that will positively spark the trajectory of your goal/mission.
What can you cut off? What can you prune down, that might waste your time and not serving you? Maybe - It's time to be radical with your strategy💭🤔🤣💕
Happy Monday Truth-Seekers,
To Your Greatness,🥂
Stay Authentic & Keep Winning!